Our Mission

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines a “sycophant” as: a servile self-seeking flatterer.

A sycophant imitates your tastes and opinions, to gain your favor for their own selfish reasons and benefits.

Some synonyms for “sycophant” are: parasite, brown-nose, leech, a** kisser etc.

NoSycophants is more than a fashion brand. It is a rule you should apply to your life.

No one likes or needs a “sycophant” in their life. A true friend will try to discourage you from pursuing a questionable course of action. A flatterer will encourage your worst tendencies and aid and abet you as long as it benefits them

So let the sycophants in your life know to stay away and please support the NoSycophants movement!


Thank you!
